Fàilte - Wylcome - Welcome.
Welcome to Esoteric Scotland. The site helping to promote the field of esoteric studies in and about Scotland.
This site came about due to my research in the field of western esotericism. My undergraduate dissertation and Masters research focused on continental ideas of ceremonial magic and the practice of spiritual ascent and theurgy. During my research I increasingly became interested in Scotland's connections with these ideas. Scotland has always had a connection to the supernatural and the witch trials have and continue to be heavily researched. However, I was interested in ideas regarding the development of Christian Cabala, Ficino's natural magic and the alchemical writings of Paracelsus. Where they available to scots in the 15th and 16th centuries? Where the Scots engaging with such practices? How did Scotland fair on the continental stage of the Renaissance? This is now the basis of my PhD.
One of the things my current research brought to light was that there is a need for a space (be it physical or virtual) for like minded scholars and independent researchers to meet and share information on all things esoteric and Scottish. This site aims to aid in building a community and network across the wide range of disciplines and subjects that come under the banner of "esotericism". So welcome one and all, and please get in touch if you would like to be involved.